The Charvak free tourist zone was created


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President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree on December 5 on creating the “Charvak” free tourist zone.

First free tourist zone in Uzbekistan is created within the Chimgan-Charvak resort and recreation zone. In its territory there will be modern hotel complexes, cultural and recreational, shopping and entertainment and other tourist facilities, as well as objects of modern engineering infrastructure.

The decree provides for the creation of unique tourist routes, taking into account the possibilities of the region's eco-environment, ensuring the availability of vehicles, introducing new types of traffic in the region (train, train, bus), including alternative energy sources, expanding passenger transport routes and organizing its uninterrupted movement, as well as the development of an appropriate transport infrastructure.

It is planned to create additional conditions for the safety of tourists' stay, including by equipping tourist infrastructure facilities with video surveillance systems, organizing warning systems, implementing a single information database on tourists arriving in the territory of the region, and providing emergency assistance in emergency situations.

In addition, it is planned to implement projects to create a unique ecological system based on the introduction, as an experiment, of new modern energy-saving systems and technologies using alternative and renewable sources.

The Fund of Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan was instructed to ensure the opening of a preferential credit line in the amount of $ 100 million to co-finance investment projects implemented in a free tourist zone, including including the provision of flexible loan and interest repayment terms.

The National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs, Uzpromstroybank and Asaka Bank were granted the right to participate in investment projects implemented on the territory of a free tourist zone with a bank share of up to 100%, including through investment banks.