Goskomturizm created a service for direct information support for travelers in Uzbekistan


"Фотовыставка «Тяньфу Сычуаньский дом панды»

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In the near future, the phone of the information center of the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan - 200-00-88 must necessarily appear in the telephone directory of Uzbek people and those who want to visit Uzbekistan. This is the easiest way at any time of the day to get an answer to absolutely any traveler question.

For the first time, the State Committee for Tourism Development creates a universal travel support service for the Republic of Uzbekistan. When you call (8371) 200-00-08, you can get an answer to any question regarding the tourist trip. There is no question or situation for specialists of this telephone hotline in which they could not assist the person who asked for help.

The standard, most frequently asked questions are answered by the operator, who has available a handbook of answers and questions prepared by specialists.

In case your question requires expert advice, then you will be connected to the responsible official of the State Committee for Tourism Development, and he will already give you qualified support. The only condition for such service is that the call should be made during business hours.

In the near future, the State Committee for Tourism Development plans to implement a set of measures to develop this service. In particular, it (this service) will have a short four-digit number.