State Tourism Committee develops state standards for hotels


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Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- State Tourism Committee of Uzbekistan developed state standards for hotels in the country, which is directed at improving service quality.

The committee underlined that the class assigned to the hotel is often untrue and does not have a justification.

In order to improve services, the standards for hotels were developed and came into force from 1 January 2018.

In accordance with this standard, the classification of all hotels and accommodation facilities will be revised, the list of which has already been formed.

Special attention should be paid to assessment of the qualifications and knowledge of job descriptions of maintenance personnel. Without a high qualification of specialists, it is impossible to provide the necessary level of any of the provided tourist services.

During development of standards, the experience of Spain, France, Turkey, Japan, China, Korea, Egypt were studied. The committee underlined that special attention should be paid to training of managers.

The Center is ready to assist in creating a condition for development of such types of tourism as educational, scientific, ecological, sports and health.